Most often, financial resources may not permit one to engage an SEO company to help support and drive the proper SEO strategy boost his/her business. If you fall victim to the same situation, you will definitely benefit from reading this article. Below are some common sense SEO tips which may help improve your search engine ranking.
Simple common sense SEO tips
1. Spare at least 60 seconds to think about what you want to write before writing it
Before writing or editing any post, spare a minute to think of how best you can write it. Come up with at least two to three keyword phrases that best describe the information you want to relay. For example, if you want to write about tennis in Washington, think of a phrase that you would likely type when searching on Google. However, with the keywords, you ought to be as specific as you can. Different words carry different meanings. Therefore, analyze each word before using it as your targeted keyword phrase for the SEO purpose.
2. Always put the selected keyword in the Title
Your post title says a lot about the content in your post. Therefore, it is best place to put your selected keyword or keywords phrase. For example, if the article is covering tennis in Washington, you can use the following title, “Top 5 Tennis field in Washington. Make sure the title is as attractive as it should be.
3. Put the selected keywords in the page’s URL
With most CMS tools or WordPress, URL for each post is generated automatically. But, to maximize the benefits of SEO, it is best to customize the URLs for each post. This helps SEO tools locate your URL very fast whenever one types in the keyword.
4. Program your pages
The general consensus is that pages having 500 to 1000 words have enough meat and give sufficient time about the topic of discussion, thus achieving better results. So, how can one program his/her page? Well, experts advise individuals to sprinkle their targeted keywords throughout the page. This means, use it at the beginning, at middle and at the end of the page. But, remember not to overuse the keywords phrases as they do not read well and look spammy if overused.
5. Social engagement
This is another common sense approach one may use to boost his or her SEO ranking. The more the number of friends, connections or circles one is in, the better for him or her. Search engines will know that it’s dealing with a real person who loves engaging his/her clients, thus ranking him on top of each search results.
As I sum up, it is with no doubt that there are other ways that one can use SEO to boost his or her ranking. However, the common sense SEO approach is the easiest, cheapest and efficient way to succeed your SEO ranking.